We procrastinate the purchase of car seat on last year fair thinking that Chloe would only be able to use it after she's 3 months. I was right. She was snug and close in my arm or the sling during rides.
I made a little vow to Chloe:
Baby, there are just too many things i'd like to spend and spoil u with:
- A new stroller. The hand-me-down stroller looks a bit small and uncomfy for u now
- A cot. The one u are sleeping in (another hand-me-down) is more of a travel playpen and i often try not to let u sleep inside
- An 'atas' nursery with the new cot in it, a changing table, pink wardrobe and specially decorated play area.
- Clothes. More pretty and girlie onesie, dresses, accessories (oh, bblegs!) to doll u up each and everyday.
- Toys. Interactive and full-force educational toys for your learning and development purpose.
But baby, Papa and Mama are saving up to provide u more in the future. We want you to have the best shelter, education and everything else in life. Therefore, Mama has come up with a better solution:
- I'd carry u up if u feel really uncomfy in the stroller. Let's hope u could learn to walk in an earlier stage, so u don't have to rely on it too much :)
- I have been letting u to sleep with Papa n Mama on our bed this past weeks. I know u love it, you love the firm mattress, you love the smell of us near you and you love the sense of protection when u saw Papa on your left and Mama on your right! :D
- A pinky nursery room is irresistible. It would be so much fun when u know how to enjoy it after you've grown up. So hang in there baby :P
- Your 外婆 has been buying u clothes from Indonesia since day 1. They might not be branded items, but they're equally sweet and lovely. You have to learn that sometimes it's not the objects that matter, it's how the objects are presented out. Every piece that you wear is uniquely adorable XD
- Forget about the toys. Both Papa and Mama are trying our best to engage, bond, play and teach you new stuff everyday. Those silly acts and dances Mama make do serve a purpose okay?
Mama might not be able to shower u with luxury items now, but i promise to work harder to meet your needs. I love you baby! You gotta grow up to be a happy kid!

After becoming a mom myself, i realised theres only 3 main important gifts you can give your kid-
1- breast milk
2- parental love
3- hugs and kisses
The rest are bonus.
I think it's a great idea to save for the baby's education and future. (If i have a baby i get things from you hor!) A pink room is lovely but not necessary lah! The baby is going to grow up sooo fast and maybe she like yellow colour or blue colour or purple colour!
Good rest and happy parents are the MOST MOST important... And branded goods for a baby is just teaching her to value the wrong things in life!! She will love you as long as you cloth her in love...
Corny hor :)
V.. hi-5!!!
Sri, didn't i tell u i love corny sweet stuff lol ;D
Muacks Muakcs to u all..
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