Apart from recuperating from my blocked nose, sore throat and cough... I am at the same time:
- taking care of Chloe (bathing, rocking, feeding, playing, soothing, talking, singing, dancing!)
- doing the laundry
- sweeping and mopping the floor
- going to the IL's for meals (that's to and fro with Chloe in my bjorn)
- blogging
- chatting
- and exploring new food for Chloe
On menu these 2 days are corn! Mummies in forum shared that their babies love their corn, so i thought i should try preparing it for Chloe too.... I bought 2 packs of 2 corns from the market. 1 for her, 1 for me for 2 days :)
Day 1
After steaming the corn, i enthusiastically tried to sieve it... for 5 mins. I gave up.. boy it was so difficult to sieve.

Nothing came out, so i surrendered to the blender. I thought since i would feed it together with her porridge, i might as well blend everything in.
Smooth-blended corn, carrot, spinach porridge...

Wrong! I forgot about the layer of skin from the corn! Poor Chloe had difficulties in swallowing the 'smooth' porridge.... !!
Bad mummy...
Day 2
I thought i was smarter this round, I blended ONLY the corn first. But it didn't come out smoothly either... Feeling a bit disappointed, i had to trust my muscles again to try sieving the blended-corn. Did it sound too complex?
See the results of one sieved, blended-corn... (open your eyes for the yellow tone!)

That's it! No more corn! I give up... -__-
Let's stick to apple, pear, plum, avocado, papaya, brocolli, etc etc.. Anything but corn!
Long days without hubby around... I'm missing him already...
Oh, now i remember i haven't eaten my steamed corn....
Good nite!
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