Caught some mozzie buzzing in the house lately. Shoot! Only managed to snap 2 out of don't know how many. Darn mozzie for biting my Chloe's face. In fact she got bitten on her ears too!
Chloe does a lot of 怕怕 gestures on cues, especially when MIL asked, "怕不怕奶奶打? " Yes, apparently she has been naughty enough to deserve some beats landed on her thigh. I hope they are light though :)
I can't wait for hubby to come home tonight, it's been exceptionally quiet for the past few days. Chloe says "Ba Ba" less frequent too. She went... B...B...Bo...Boo..B..Bah... looked like having difficulty in pronouncing the word.
A few OK shots from my SE K800, before Chloe went to bed on Tuesday:

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