On Saturday, we brought Chloe for her 2nd dip at the public pool. She warmed up much faster this round! But too engrossed with her new starfish float later on, and too bad we had to end the fun earlier cos it started to drizzle.
We hope to bring Chloe to the pool on weekly basis now. Next week, I must join the fun! :)
On the way back, yawning and stoning already.. :P
that is one BIG float!! hehe! and a big yawn too! :p - cheryl
that is one BIG float!! hehe! and a big yawn too! :p - cheryl
Yes it is! $14.90 and can hold baby up to 11kg only.. now chloe is reaching 9kg, we hope to make it worth by going to the pool often!! hahahaha
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