At one year old, Chloe...
- says Papa, Mama and Mum Mum the clearest...
- greets a lot of people recently, but they're all Papa to her! She really needs learn to call 爷爷 and 奶奶 soon!
- is growing 4 teeth at one go; her upper pair and 2nd bottom pair
- has a total 6 teeth
- has tried eating rice with soup for 3 times
- is fussy towards milk and cereal at times. I think cos she has tasted better food (rice)!
- now loves walking assisted and cruising around
- could stand up on her own from sitting position
Stands Up!! from Dewi Prima on Vimeo. - makes her first baby steps unassisted today, witnessed by MIL!
- dances pretty well too hehe
Chloe Dances! from Dewi Prima on Vimeo.
Chloe Dances at Genting from Dewi Prima on Vimeo.
oeii... so cute mamam mamam
I think she will be able to walk pretty soon.. Jiayou Chloe! :)
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