The toddlers to be... Chloe and Jasper

It all started from lunch at Globetrotters, UE Square. The place was so packed with family diners! I think they serve pretty nice food at pretty reasonable price. Chloe loved the play area although she's also frightened to see bigger kids running (and yelling) around..

Then we moved on to Kallang Leisure Park hoping to check out Bambini Playard. Too bad it was closed for birthday party.

Not so much of a wasted trip though, cos Chloe had fun taking the mini carousel ride.

Hubby and I have to be firm towards her 'I-must-own-that' pointing skills these days. She would point at all colourful cute stuff during outings and attack us with the "Uh.. Uh.. Ah..." too-cute-to-ignore voice...
By the way, we got her this little Piglet after seeing her countless efforts pointing and cheering at it. See her happiiieee expression...

Lastly we went to Parkway Parade to shop a little while more. You might have notice by now that I have fetish towards baby hat. I just couldn't resist to put it on Chloe again. There was slight improvement where she could bare with the hat for about 5-8 more seconds than before. And she made the Uh Uh Ah Ah voice again when I put the hat back to the shelf. Yet I think I need more reassurance on how much she wants the hat, before I could buy one for her :)

Lastly, thanks to Sabrina for the birthday vouchers. Now I can shop for more toys for Chloe :)

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