Many a time, words got stuck whenever I try to compose while looking at the picture of them. They must be the most beautiful gifts in life, next to the husband.
Enough with my mushy lines, Chloe is turning 2 years old tomorrow. She's the mini radio that wouldn't stop babbling at home now. She's carefully making sentences from all the things gathered around her. Sentences like, "爸爸 money 买 barney", "妈妈 sshhh 弟弟 sleep" or "Chloe bag school" (Chloe takes bag to go school) are filling my ears all the time. She can't wait to start schooling, it makes me wonder if I should enroll her earlier.
Chloe is in the midst of toilet training. She's able to hold her urine and give us signal to prepare her potty for her. Silly me was so happy to catch her poo for the first time, like striking the lottery! Out of mischievous, she'd still wet her pants at home. Lots of sweet talks need to be done for her to get the toilet job done.
As for Bosco, he's getting smarter and alert each day. He rejects the thawed frozen breastmilk, but OK with a newer stock. He usually cries and shouts for attention during our meal times and would stop crying the moment we step near his rocker. He's chewing loud on his hands and fists. His physical development is more advanced than Chloe during her age. Must be the boy's genes.
All in all, watching the kids grow is such a wonderful experience...
Dear time, please go slower...
Enough with my mushy lines, Chloe is turning 2 years old tomorrow. She's the mini radio that wouldn't stop babbling at home now. She's carefully making sentences from all the things gathered around her. Sentences like, "爸爸 money 买 barney", "妈妈 sshhh 弟弟 sleep" or "Chloe bag school" (Chloe takes bag to go school) are filling my ears all the time. She can't wait to start schooling, it makes me wonder if I should enroll her earlier.
Chloe is in the midst of toilet training. She's able to hold her urine and give us signal to prepare her potty for her. Silly me was so happy to catch her poo for the first time, like striking the lottery! Out of mischievous, she'd still wet her pants at home. Lots of sweet talks need to be done for her to get the toilet job done.
As for Bosco, he's getting smarter and alert each day. He rejects the thawed frozen breastmilk, but OK with a newer stock. He usually cries and shouts for attention during our meal times and would stop crying the moment we step near his rocker. He's chewing loud on his hands and fists. His physical development is more advanced than Chloe during her age. Must be the boy's genes.
All in all, watching the kids grow is such a wonderful experience...
Dear time, please go slower...
hey sweetie, i m so happy and glad for u that everything's going well and swell! itz so lovely to see chloe so loving and sweet towards handsome bosco! he's looking sooo much like u! =)
thanks gal! *hugs* hope you are doing great too! you'll soon embark a new journey like me too :) take care yeah :)
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