"La la la la la..."

Make a guess who is her first audience

Sing, sing, sing // Dance, dance, dance

He sure loves her a lot! :)

Make a guess who is her first audience

Sing, sing, sing // Dance, dance, dance

He sure loves her a lot! :)

PRIMAdaily © 2008-2012 [modified from Randomly coded (Better in Pink!)]
I think more like no choice. Since Bosco can't crawl away. kekeke. :P
hahaha, emily is right!
but chloe really very cute =)
this will make her heartbroken :P
that's so sweet... though i have to agree with emily! hahahahaha.. but wat the heck! enjoy it b4 he starts crawling.. LOL
wah..busy ar...now need to take 2x as much pics and blog 2 x as much!
Matt, hehe yeah it's nice to be able to take pics of newborn. the toddler is too handful already!
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