Sunday, August 14, 2011

Milestone Before Turning 2 Years Old

Bosco is turning 2 years old in 4 day's time.
  • Finally I weaned him off from breastfeeding at 23mths. The painful process lasted for a week before he totally forgot about it. Now, he's sharing step 4 mamil gold with Chloe jiejie.

  • He's sleeping through the night since 23 months.

  • Limited vocabulary: Papa, Mama and Nai Nai before 23 months.
  • Rapid additions in the last month: Blue, Bus, Bye, Duck, Hello, Purple, Please, Taxi, Star, Nen Nen
  • Not-so-accurate favourite words: Barney, Dora, Flower, Flag, Moon, Pear

  • Self-feeding whenever we dine out

  • Overall, I think his feature hasn't changed much, except that he has lost all the baby fats (especially on his cheeks!!!*bite*)


Anonymous said...

Bosco's expression in that last photo is so totally TH!! - cheryl -

Emily said...

time pass! and yes, he looks so much leaner now. happy birthday bosco in advance!

PRIMA said...

Thank you Cheryl and Emily!! :)