We reached and checked-in early at Harbourfront Centre before 11am. Brought the kids to see the cruise model and have an idea where we're going to stay for the next few days..

"Papa!! I wanna go to the swimming pool!!"

Roamed around Vivo City too, Bosco posing with McQueen at ToysRus

Then we showed the kids the real cruise, which Chloe went "Wah...!!"

We were the first on the priority balcony queue. Little girl getting restless...

Finally on board around 12:31am, balloons really cheered them up!

Photo taken by the crew member

March.. march.. march..
Trying to find our room only to know that it's still being cleaned up

So we hung around the Deck 12 – waiting for food at the Mediterranean Buffet Restaurant

Little exercising after our lunch..

The kids' battery seem to be low by now...

So, we got in our room finally, for the kids' afternoon nap...

The balcony deck was certainly worthwhile...

That's all for now.. Be back later folks!
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