Friday, June 8, 2007

It's a girl!!

Went for my detailed scan yesterday at week 20.

Sonographer asked: "Do u both intend to find out the sex of the baby?"
I nodded hard: "Yes!" (in my mind thinking, yes pls, go ahead and announce it loud about my prince)
Sonographer: "GIRL"
Me: "Huh?"
Sonographer: "It's a girl"
Me: "Looking at hubby with mixed feelings..."

Well well, after putting quite high hope on having a boy, i'd be lying if i say i wasn't disappointed.

Happy to see my princess is doing well though. Everything look normal from the scan, except that she's a bit big considered for bb at week 20. I've also gained too much for the past month, 4.5 kg.. geez.. Think i have to control my intake now..

Also to-do-list for me now is to buy PINK stuff for my baby. Start looking around for baby products. Looking at nice baby girl pics, they say this will help to enhance your baby feature :)

And, we have decided to name her CHLOE :)

Chloe, How lovely!

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