Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day

It was my very first mother's day carrying the title MOTHER. I don't feel anything extra special out of it but to think I'm getting old.

As a mother to a 6-mth-old infant, i offer endless care and love to her. My responsibilities are to ensure she grows up to a healthy and happy girl.

But as a daughter to my mum, i learn new interesting facts as day goes by. Besides being filial, obedient, bla bla bla, i'm (still) learning how to make my mum worry less about me. I'm the one that have always stayed far apart from her. The one she has always hoped to see and talk to more often. There's guilt inside me whenever i fail to hide my difficulties and sorrow in life.

She may not be the perfect mum, but she's the best that i can ask for.

No fancy dinner, or any expensive gifts. I promise to make her happier by improving on myself. That goes out to all my loved ones. (Yes laogong, that includes u!) I love you mum!

Lastly, happy mother's day to me! :)

Sending mum to the airport, on mother's day, 11th May 08


dearSML said...

Happy mother's day, say... u'll be a great mama n wife too.

Anonymous said...

How come no mentioned on the romantic lunch huh?