Friday, December 12, 2008

Friday is LOVE

My husband is going to love me more after this post! *hopeful*

Below pics were taken by my SE G705. I'm quite impressed by the colours and sharpness despite it's not a cybershot-ranged phone.

But I still need to rant a bit. How come hubby can't take same lovely shots of me and Chloe?? *grrrr*

You see lah...


Ah Boy and Ah Girl's Mom said...

Chloe so lovelyyyyy.....

PRIMA said...

thanks Len! :)

Anonymous said...

I really like the one of Chloe leaning very manja-ly on TH's shoulder!! Great shot! =)
- cheryl

PRIMA said...

Thanks Cheryl!
I hope to have same lovely shots of me and her too! *blame TH*