This is the first monthly post that Mama composes late. I have to admit that ever since didi arrives, half of my time has been taken up by him. But rest assured that my love to you has not once decreased at all.
As you turn 2 next month, you're really becoming a little big lady. Not only mimicking all the adults little actions, you're also picking up a lot on speech development. How I love your 'act angmoh' 我爱你 with the lovely hand gestures to every one of us when requested. Believe it or not, my love to you has just grown more each and every day.

Though Mama has been shouting and taking out the canes more often than usual, please understand that I have to be firm to discipline you. Mama means no harm, and we just want you to learn what's right and what's not.
You see Papa has been doting on you since Mama was pregnant with didi, I promise I'm gonna make it up to you all the hugs and cuddles that I missed with a big tummy.

Mama is learning to be a better mum everyday. Last but not least, 我 爱 你!

Oh, such a sweet message from the dear mum to the lovely daughter!
How are you coping with the 2 of them, BTW? Hope everything is well for you. You look great though.
Big kisses for Chloe and Bosco!
Thank u Mrs Kam :)
I have just dropped you a msg on FB :)
uber sweetness!!
I'm so touched, dewi :)
I like the look on Bosco's face! So cute..
so sweeeeet.. awww...
hehe... the whole message to chole is so sweet.. of coz.. the pic is even nicer.. JIAYOU!!
Thank you ladies! Motherhood rocks! :)
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