Friday, September 25, 2009


Pardon me for not able to post anything since last week. Was busy with Bosco's full month preparation. And juggling with some work whenever I could squeeze some extra time out.

So, Bosco is 5 weeks now. He had his hair shaved. He also had gone for his 2nd dose of Hep B jab. As for me, the confinement was over. I have no more post-natal mood swings, I think...

Life as a mother-of-2 is settling down, except that I'm still enjoying my maternity leave.

We invited some friends to celebrate Bosco's full month on 20.09.2009 and we got to take a more proper family portrait on that day!

Ta-da!!! What a good comparison of 'before and after-having-children' portrait!

And if i did my math correctly, it took us exact 32 months from our wedding day (20.01.2007) to this family-of-four chapter! (20.09.2009)

blissful ABCD family :)


Ah Boy and Ah Girl's Mom said...

Yeah just notice, it's ABCD... hahahhaa.

PRIMA said...

Loh mummy Lena kok jadi ah boy's mum? hehe! iya emang itu lah sengaja milih nama Bosco buat dia :)