It was the day right after my submission, the boss gave LZ and I time-off to rest right after lunch. The voice in me whispered, "Never try, then I'd never know if having a curl would ever suit me?!" The stylist was very talkative in explaining carefully on every step he's going to make. Sleepy me managed to survive the 4 hours (cut + digital perm + treatment) and was pretty happy with the results...
Perming in progress, with my deep eye bags...

Second day results – still neatly in shape...

Second day results – still neatly in shape...

Today's the 3rd day, I'm a bit worried on how to keep the curl nicely maintained and styled -_-|| Anyway, meeting Mrs Goh tomorrow to give me tips and showing me lobangs to buy hair products.. *excited*
looks good babe!!
thanks say!!!
nice curls! Have always wanted to try. How is the maintenance like?
sorry for the late reply, Em! I only use serum after daily wash, then the next morning a styling cream to work the curls with hands..
fairly easy, i hope it stays at least 3 mths! :)
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