Thursday, July 19, 2012

Big Hearts

Our bedtime closing lines tonight...

Me: "There are Papa, Chloe and Bosco inside Mama's heart." (while hand posing a heart shape, in front of the chest)

Chloe mimicked very quickly, posing the same hand sign: "There are Papa, Mama, Bosco and Nana jiejie in mine!"

Bosco took me by surprise by catching up quickly as well: "Have Mama, Have Papa, JieJie, Na Jie, hmmmm NaiNai (granny!)." what a heartthrob he is, although his hands look more like a gongxi hand sign hahaha

This then sparked the creativity in Chloe and requesting for a retake: "There are Papa, Mama, Bosco, Nana jiejie, YeYe, NaiNai, Big ahbo, Small ahbo, Kelly jiejie, GongGong, PoPo, HuiZi jiejie, Jiu Jiu, Jiu Mu, Alvin didi...." and the list go on.

And when we hugged, we felt our hearts are as one...

Good night and sweet dreams, peeps!

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