J: "Chloe, 来来, take pictures.."

*say cheese*

Chloe: "Err.. you're getting too close!"

J: "It's ok one lah.."
Chloe: *act cool*
Chloe: *act cool*

J: "来来, get closer.."
Chloe: "NOO.. Papa 救我!!"

PRIMAdaily © 2008-2012 [modified from Randomly coded (Better in Pink!)]
ok. I confess. The 2 babies are INNOCENT! Can't you see the 2 extra pair of arms trying to put the both of them together?? ;) Whatever happens, ask our husbands!
Hehe.. but Jayden still has naughty look leh! :P
From the pictures it seems that Jayden father is responsible for putting Jayden so close to Chloe.
*nod nod*
aiyoh.. Lleyton so jealous leh!! No chance liao lah like that..
got chance! got chance!
she's still single and available ;)
anonymous is the 'victim's daddy! doesn't count! eh...how can ask Chloe to keep her options open. Jayden will take FULL responsibility. hahahha
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