After parking our car at Hong Lim complex multi-storey carpark, the nearest makan place we could think of, is this Yan's Palace Dim Sum Restaurant (which we went with Amelia and JW in Sept.) Guess what, we bumped into Amelia too! She must have loved this restaurant a lot. So do we, actually... Best Dim Sum place we tried so far :)
Chloe was delighted to be seated next to this little aquarium

Explore, explore! She wasn't afraid of statue anymore..

The beautiful couple, Alvin and Yu Huan

Mum and babe (who just refused to sit down)

Apart from the wide selection of dim sum, you gotta try these!
įŠčé (pig's trotter in vinegar)
įŠčé (pig's trotter in vinegar)

Pomelo and Mango sago dessert.. Mmm....

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