Chloe started being toilet-trained by my mum last year October. In December, she started go diaperless at home – but poo poo accidents happened here and there.
Come January 2010, all businesses were done in either her potty or at the toilet (with the help of the booster seat). No diaper needed for afternoon nap as well, monitored by her granny. I started to bring her along to the ladies too when we were outside.
Over the weekend, Chloe did a really good job by holding her urine and told me she wanna go toilet! I'm so proud of her. Her 'outing' diaper (that's what I call it, diaper for outings!) was not wet at all. It's a funny sight to see her running to her potty and citing, "Chloe要小便,要小便" upon reaching home.
Next milestone, to go diaperless at night! Hmm..
Will update again when we accomplish this one.
that's grt :)
My niece still has probs controlling her bladder and she is in pri 1 this year. Definitely must start training early.
yea i'm glad too. can save a lot on diapers!! :P
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