Friday, February 12, 2010

Solid for Bosco

Couple weeks ago, Bosco started to show interest in our food. He would set his eyes on our food and our chewing mouth during our mealtimes. When we were at Jas' house for playdates, Bosco stared so hard when I fed Chloe papaya. So we decided to mash some for him to try. Boy, he loved it! As a first timer, he could really 'eat' well.

So, today is the official commencement of solid feeding for Bosco. As a slacked second-time parents, we bought the exact same cereal as what we first gave Chloe (Nestle Gold Rice Cereal with Apple and Cranberry). And he took it so well as compared to Chloe.

First Cereal Meal from Dewi Prima on Vimeo.

Self-reminder: I need to read back my archive on what I fed Chloe before! Time to take out the blender for some puree-fun :)

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