Saturday, July 23, 2011

What Took Place Between March to May

I truly find contentment after completing the Hong Kong and Macau holiday posts. With that, I'd like to update a series of catching up events that took place between March to May too. I checked my blog archive, I only had maximum 5–6 posts per month since Jan 2011. (O_o) I hope I'd be able to update and maintain PRIMAdaily better chronologically.

Now, here goes the good times with friends and family:

Long over due catch up with Michelle

When's next babe? ;)

FIL's birthday at Peach Garden, celebrated with a Pine Garden cake

With fellow motherhood mummies friends at Ayden's 1st Birthday Party

Rachel's Birthday Bash in April, sweet party organized by Mr Tan!

Then, it was Mr Tan's birthday at Eatzi, Yishun Safra

Visited Rachel and baby Jerome, the weekend after we got back from HK

Travelled all the way up to Johor for Andy's colleague's baby shower

Bestie Sri's baby Liam turned 1 too!

Eat+Shop+Play Dates with Ning Xuan and her parents

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