I must say the third trimester is really a challenging period for me.
Am currently at my 35th week. Feeling slow, heavy and clumsy mostly. My baby Chloe weighed about 2.4 kg last week. And my total weight gain up til now has been 20 kg!! No wonder moving around is really something now! I need a breather after climbing steps, the sighing ain't sexy at all :( Getting in and out of the house over that steel door also requires some skills!
My mobility is one thing. The tossing and turning at the middle of the nights is another issue. The frequent trips to the bathroom; my increasing body temperature (i wonder why it keeps on rising!) which always awaken me up; the uneasiness of mind; and the highest level of sound sensitivity has made me the lightest-sleeper ever!
By the way, i just broke a new record this morning. I made 5 trips to the bathroom and I got up at 3.45 a.m.!!
As I hoped to find more peace during the night, I developed a BOIL under my waist yesterday!! OUCH.. I still gotta endure the sharp pain above all the previous issues. :_(
As compared to the first trimester, I believe the third trimester challenges one's patience and endurance. Maybe all that I'm experiencing now is to prep myself better when Chloe arrives :)
"More sleepless nights and more commitments are on their way," I comfort myself, "Hang in there... Just another 4 weeks to go..."
Or maybe less,.. judging by how my gynae always comment on the tad big size of my baby. (Oh ya, Chloe gained an average of 700 g in every 3 weeks for this trimester) I can't wait for my next appointment in another two weeks. He said if baby has gained and grown enough, he will try to induce me for earlier delivery. Hm...
I pray nothing but for safe and smooth delivery...