Monday, November 30, 2009

Bye Bye My Sweet 15-Week-Break!

Reality Bites!

Time to go back to work again after a good 15 weeks of maternity leave (reserve 1 last week for future use..). Certainly it doesn't feel like 15 weeks at all. I thought I just gave birth yesterday :P

Ah.. I'm so gonna miss the kids at home.. Especially sweet moments like this!

Hoping for a smooth return tomorrow. Good night! I'm sleeping early tonight :)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Bosco Laugh Out Loud

Taken 26.11.09
Bosco is 3mths and 1 week old
Like his sis and mom, he can't resist the mirror too! :P

Bosco Laugh Out Loud from Dewi Prima on Vimeo.

See Chloe's version here when she was 3mths old, at the same spot :)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Let Bygones Be Bygones

"I'll forgive you for what you've done to me, didi...
Jiejie always love you.."

Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Mum-and-Son Conspiracy

"Papa!! Mama made me do something bad to jiejie this afternoon..."

"She asked me to box jiejie on her face so that she could go to sleep fast!"

"Mama was right! Jiejie knocked out right on the spot!"

"And I had full attention from her while jiejie was sleeping...
Please forgive us, Papa!"

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Polliwogs Fun

Had promised to bring Chloe to have some fun time at the ball pit for the longest time. Last play was with Jayden and Davion in June.

So there came a playdate organized by the Oct Mummies at Polliwogs. After several thoughts, I concluded that Chloe deserves some fun time before I go back to work!

So yesterday, I took up the challenge of bringing Chloe and Bosco out with my helper. 2 bags, 1 bb bjorn carrier and 1 stroller. We flagged a cab down all the way to ECP and reached destination 20 bucks poorer. The fact that our car is sitting beautifully at our HDB car park is disgracing. I-must-learn-how-to-drive-soon!!!

Ok, back to the playdate, Chloe enjoyed herself to the max. Not that I find Polliwogs the best place so far, I reckon it's her improved motor skills along with her added confidence :)

Pictures time...

Check out her smile! You know kids don't lie :)

Hey look! We have the same eyes! hehe

Bosco kept himself awake and busy checking out the environment

The only group photo we took with Mummy Doris and Andrea

Lastly, Chloe refusing to go home...

On the side note, I still heart fidgets most!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Claire Visits (21.11.09)

It's Gettin' Nearer...

One more week before going back to work.
I must cherish every single day with Chloe and Bosco!!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

So We Went To The Zoo

Thanks to Jayden's mummy for the special passes, we finally brought Chloe to the Singapore Zoo last Sunday. Chloe was very excited to meet Jayden; to go outdoors; to play water at the Rainforest Kidzworld, ... but not exactly excited to see the animals. Errr... I think she's intimidated by them, or just pure no interest -__-

Chloe and Jayden holding hands!

I love this shot! :)

Thanks to Emily for taking this shot :)

And lastly, a family portrait of us in reds - inspired by mummy chersam & family who are always in matching tees! (ahem!!)

Friday, November 20, 2009

Outing These Days...

Recently we've been venturing out to malls without the helper. Just the 2 pairs of hands attending to Chloe and Bosco. And I must say we did a pretty good job. Not forgetting the privacy and the bonding among the four of us. Oh, we're going to get even better :)

The only flaw would be not much chances to get hold of the camera. When both hands are tied, I know Chloe would save my day!

These were us at brotzeit, vivo last weekend.

The husband who was busy feeding us

And here is my trusty photographer. Self-portrait is a must!

Food shots by the husband

His #1 recommendation - pork knuckles

The lunch was really good, if only I could have the beer too hehe..

Then we strolled a little bit before heading home for our chloe's afternoon nap.

Ah.. I'm glad the weekend is here once again. So, where should we go this week?

Thursday, November 19, 2009

First Dose of 5-in-1

Bosco had his first dose of 5-in-1 this morning at the polyclinic. A brief cry today as compared to his Hep B jab when he was 5 weeks old.

Anyway, his growth at 3 months is:
• Weight: 7.6 kg (90% percentile)
• Length: 60.5 cm (50% percentile)
• Head circumference: 42 cm (75 % percentile)


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Bosco is 3 Months Old

Boy you have grown so much over the last couple of weeks. Mama has to take out bigger size of hand-me-downs from the storage already. Thankfully we received a lot of them from Mama's kind friends. I think you're weighing 7 over kg. But wait til your 5-in-1 jab and check up tomorrow for the exact weight!

Mama is having hard time training you to accept bottle feeding. You're just more particular, compared to your sister. I wish to latch you on for the longest I can, but baby, Mama is going back to work in about 2 weeks' time. Please be easy on the feeding okay?

You can down 5 oz expressed breastmilk at one go, and fuss for more (top up) right after. Mama is overwhelmed. Mama really wish to keep up with your growing demand...

Bosco boy, please continue to grow strong and healthy. Nice and easy.

You know I love you! Muacks!!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Little Entertainer and The Audience

"La la la la la..."

Make a guess who is her first audience

Sing, sing, sing // Dance, dance, dance

He sure loves her a lot! :)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

What's Chloe been up to?

Chloe is appearing less in this blog compared to her little brother. No, Mama is not bias. It's just not easy to take photos of her now. I think all of us in the house are her models for photography and not the other way round. My 2-year-old just runs, walks, talks and snaps non-stop. Only quiet moments are when she's fiddling with our mobile phones, cameras or computers. @.@

Thursday, November 12, 2009





Wednesday, November 11, 2009

After-Bath Babies

Chloe and Bosco
(4mths+ and 2mths+)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Bosco Meets En Jie (06.11.09)

Bosco was invited by En Jie to try out his fun water tub last Friday. So the boys get to meet for the 2nd time, and the mummies were so happy spending the afternoon chatting away!

En Jie and Bosco at his comfy nursery

Bosco first dip in the 'pool', thanks to En Jie's mummy!

Watch him live in action :)

Bosco 1st Dip from Dewi Prima on Vimeo.

Sound asleep after a good 15 minutes leg exercise

En Jie and Bosco in their tightfitting and oversized rompers.
Funny sight of two grumpy-looking babies :)

Good times passed too soon. Even Bosco was sad to leave...

Til we meet again...

Sunday, November 8, 2009

My Boy And I

The narcissism in me is overflowing today, please bear with me :)

Check out his u-shaped patch on his head! 000

Bosco loves bb bjorn as much as I do :)