Monday, January 14, 2013

A Brand New 2013

It was a good start to the new year. Following Chloe's schooling journey, little Bosco is such a good boy entering the class with no fuss. I'm really a lucky mama!

Chloe's first enrichment course went well too as she really enjoys herself every Sunday. What I always told the children when I dropped them at school was, "Enjoy yourselves!" So they took our advices well :)

Nearby short trip with Andy was a fruitful one as well. I'm not sure for him, but I certainly gathered and rekindled some dating moments.
2 weeks into 2013, I here wish everyone of us to be in the pink of health, happy true self, every quality day spent with the loved ones, and doing the things we love.

Let the good things blossom.
Spread the love!


Thursday, January 3, 2013

School Time for Bosco

B: "Mama, there's big and small in my school."

D: "You mean, you were taught Big and Small at school today?"

B: "Yes! Big and Small!"

D: "So, is Mama big or small?"

B: "Mama big, I am small."

C: "No, Papa big, Mama medium!"