Adding the 'oomph' to our outing with our Real Madrid family jerseys.
Kids were simply too excited.

Chloe took all opportunities to take photos even with only a poster/backdrop.

Bosco on the other hand, was rather reserved and choosy on what's he posing with.
You'll see what I mean soon...

Yee.. Ha... Yarr.....
Kungfu Pandas turn Ultraman turn Power Rangers (?!?!?!)

Yay... finally inside their cosy and cooling house..
That's Kai Kai sleeping really comfortably..

Unlike Kai Kai who is more outgoing, Jia Jia is shy and prefers to stay at her den.
We couldn't see Jia Jia even with the CCTV live feed from her den.
That explains the sad faces on both kids.

A quick shopping at the Panda souvenir shop certainly helped to liven up their mood.
And I just couldn't get enough of this cute artworks of Kai Kai and Jia Jia.

Staying on a little while to take photos with the fishes.

Now this was another good photo spot which Bosco strongly went against.

Poor boy was actually too overwhelmed and intimidated by the huge posters / fishes.
With the grouchy boy and the super melting hot weather, we had no choice but to give up the rest of the zoo excursion.
Just before we drove out of the carpark, this little voice came,
"Can we come and see Kai Kai and Jia Jia again, puh...leasee....??"

. . . *errmm* ...