Hardly had any photos taken on the food. On the contrary, the children were well-behaved and enjoyed posing for the cameras that night!
Evidence 1 — Dine with style

Evidence 2 — suavely smiling back at the camera

Evidence 3 — elegant pose bending the waist, or crazy gangnam style!

We ended the night with really good food and great company. *bliss*
That's just us on the way back to our hotel room.

The next morning — a million dollar smiles from the kids
Indeed it was a good sign for the great day ahead!

Dimsum brunch at 荣茂茶室 (Rong Mao Tea House).
Varieties within affordable price!

Posing outside the coffeeshop. Helper Nana clearly knows our expectation of taking a few different shots to capture the moment.

A little stroll down to the temple thereafter.
I like how my skin looked really glowing in this photo :)

and how Bosco looked really grown-up in these photos, with a glimpse of cheekiness

Cheeky boy in his own way.
See the behaviour differences between Chloe and Bosco in the car ride?

I should be posting 1 last entry for Malacca in the next post.

Be warned for there'll be lots of narcissism in the next post ;)
Til then...