Wednesday, September 30, 2009


This morning Chloe automatically thanked me after I helped her took off her sweater. I am so proud of her...

谢谢妈妈 from Dewi Prima on Vimeo.

除了我爱你,原来 ‘谢谢妈妈’ 也是那么的动听。。。


Chloe Sayang Bosco from Dewi Prima on Vimeo.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Good Morning Sunshine!

Good Morning Sunshine! from Dewi Prima on Vimeo.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Chloe says 我爱你

She speaks like an angmoh although she barely understands angmoh!
These three words warm our heart...

Chloe says 我爱你 from Dewi Prima on Vimeo.

Friday, September 25, 2009


Pardon me for not able to post anything since last week. Was busy with Bosco's full month preparation. And juggling with some work whenever I could squeeze some extra time out.

So, Bosco is 5 weeks now. He had his hair shaved. He also had gone for his 2nd dose of Hep B jab. As for me, the confinement was over. I have no more post-natal mood swings, I think...

Life as a mother-of-2 is settling down, except that I'm still enjoying my maternity leave.

We invited some friends to celebrate Bosco's full month on 20.09.2009 and we got to take a more proper family portrait on that day!

Ta-da!!! What a good comparison of 'before and after-having-children' portrait!

And if i did my math correctly, it took us exact 32 months from our wedding day (20.01.2007) to this family-of-four chapter! (20.09.2009)

blissful ABCD family :)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

16.09.2009 * 23 mths now!

Dear Chloe,

This is the first monthly post that Mama composes late. I have to admit that ever since didi arrives, half of my time has been taken up by him. But rest assured that my love to you has not once decreased at all.

As you turn 2 next month, you're really becoming a little big lady. Not only mimicking all the adults little actions, you're also picking up a lot on speech development. How I love your 'act angmoh' 我爱你 with the lovely hand gestures to every one of us when requested. Believe it or not, my love to you has just grown more each and every day.

Though Mama has been shouting and taking out the canes more often than usual, please understand that I have to be firm to discipline you. Mama means no harm, and we just want you to learn what's right and what's not.

You see Papa has been doting on you since Mama was pregnant with didi, I promise I'm gonna make it up to you all the hugs and cuddles that I missed with a big tummy.

Mama is learning to be a better mum everyday. Last but not least, 我 爱 你!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Our First Family Portrait

We finally took our first family portrait today!

Though not a very decent one, but our smiles were the most genuine :)

Monday, September 14, 2009

The End of Confinement

"Hi. My name is Bosco. Or you can call me Bos!"

"Oh.. I hope my acne would soon disappear..."

"Be back with my botak look soon!"

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Siblings Resemblance

"Mama, can I carry Didi?"


Both Chloe and Bosco are upset!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

胎毒? Baby Acne?

I have been troubled by this bad rash on Bosco's face for these couple of days. Thanks to the kind mummies in the forum, I have a better idea on what it is and should not overdo the cleansing to make sure it heals well.

I think Bosco is having baby acne!
"Patience is usually the best course of action.
Your baby's acne doesn't bother him in the least,
so try not to let it bother you, either."

Other useful links to read up on newborn's skin condition:


Monday, September 7, 2009

Chloe and Bosco: Bully Acts

"The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout..."

"I really love your hair, didi!"

"Muahahha, you can't reach me, didi!"

"Didi, didi, didi, I love you..."

Chloe and Bosco: Goodnight Baby

Confinement: Entering The 4th Week

It's another 9 days til Bosco is 1-month-old.
They say the first month is always the toughest. And I couldn't agree more!
The confinement days so far has been like a roller coaster ride for me, especially the breastfeeding journey. I was overly-confident that, if I could feed Chloe well 2 years ago, so could I this round. I was so wrong. And the fact that Bosco is a 'lil milk monster, is making it tougher.
I hope I could conquer the coming days in a breeze...

First Week
• Beaming with smile after a smooth delivery - seeing baby well and healthy (and does actually look like me a little!)
• Suffered from bad engorgement in day 4-5 and never can latch on hungry baby successfully.
• Resort to feeding baby EBM but at the same time, could only pump out so little, on the contrary to how hard the breasts are.
• Finally the blocked ducts were cleared with a lots of massaging, and I could pump out a good 8 oz at one go.

Second Week
• Both mummy and baby had to go back for 1-week review. I was healing well but poor Bosco had to be admitted for phototherapy. His jaundice level shot up to 21 points and boy, I was heartbroken.
• Decided to let the nurse feed him FM during the treatment as we're suspecting too much ginger in my food intake. That 2 days were the only time I could store and freeze my EBM.
• Continue to feed Bosco for 2 more days after he's discharged with the jaundice level at borderline, 9 points.
• Towards the end of the week, feeding was back on track. Bosco could latch well and I continued to pump to store too. "That should be the way," until...

Third Week
• Out of nowhere, Bosco rejected to latch and was screaming his lungs out each time I offered him. If he wasn't crying, he would fall asleep half way feeding.
• That few days were already enough to make my supply drop into half.
• And as I'm typing this entry, I'm already thawing the frozen EBM to keep up with Bosco's growth spurt.
• Though sometimes he would still latch on, I hardly could keep him full for long. Bottle feeding still does a better job.

Geez... I really don't know how long I could keep up with this moo moo job. I'm downing lots of soup and hot beverages. Please bless me with lotsa milk! Moooooo...

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Happy Sunday

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Chloe and Bosco

Friday, September 4, 2009

Sound Asleep

Kids are cute.

When you are constantly checking the clock and hoping they will wake up from their nap soon, they continue to sleep. But when you want to lie down and catch some rest too, they wake up!

Now I'm enjoying some me-time online (with some tingling engorgement) hoping that 'lil Bosco could wake up and have his milk soon...

But again, the bro and sis are sleeping so soundly that I don't bear to disturb...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Irresistible Cheeks

... And Double Chin too!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Snug As A Bug

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Love Hate Relationship

Chloe: "Oh, my dear didi..."
Bosco: "My lovely jiejie..."

Chloe: "I envy your black silky hair!"
Bosco: "Jiejie, back off!!"

Bosco is 2 Weeks Old

Today 1 Sep is my original EDD for Bosco. I'm just so glad that he has arrived to this world 2 weeks ago. Can't imagine if I were to carry him to full term, must have been so hard to push out an over-4-kg baby :D

Most importantly, I feel so blessed to carry a newborn in my arm again :)

I think he resembles a lot like Chloe at this stage