Time just flies. Especially with 2 kids now.
Next week Chloe turns 2 years old, and Bosco will be 2 months old.
A quick recap on Bosco's 2nd month.We said bye bye to his thick black hair and shaved him bald. That's when I saw lots of acnes/breakouts on his oily scalps. Just when I thought his baby acne on his face was getting better. Argh....
His skin conditions worsened and slowly they emerged to cradle caps. Lots of them on his scalps, forehead and ears. I was pretty upset by them. Poor boy wasn't very happy either from the look on his face...
Other than his skin conditions, Bosco was growing well. He weighed
5.2kg at 5 weeks when I brought him for his 2nd dose of Hep B jab. His length was around 55cm. Thankfully my breastmilk supply increases as he grows too. The breastfeeding woes improved right after I rant on my
earlier post.
At his 6th week, the flakes on his head was falling off. Finally I got to kiss, smell and squeeze newborn smooth skin again. His neck could support his head better. And he met his new friend, his dear fists :)
What a newborn does best to melt your heart?
For me, it's Bosco smiling in his dream...
Bosco had his first playdate with En Jie and Claire on Children's Day! The three of them were delivered by ACJ Clinic (of TMC) wonderful gynaes and they have interesting birth dates. Claire's born on May 16, En Jie on July 17 and Bosco on August 18...
Lastly, Bosco is able to sleep a good 7-8 hours stretch at night now.
Ah... I love my Bosco!