I spent the last 20 minutes writing thank you email to the team, and I must pen down my thoughts further here.
This last week of 2011 has been a really satisfying week at work. Working closely with the editors to meeting 2 packages of MOE submissions, felt really good! The thankful gazes and smiles from them were simply genuine.
And then, there was another tender job which got LZ and I worked hand-in-hand for the first time. As weird as it sounds, being colleagues with her for so many years but this is actually our first 'partnership' project. And hey, the chemistry was good! Hope the final product would secure the tender!
Anyway,... last year, I hoped for a successful team building in 2011. I actually failed terribly in the first half of the year. Those were the most stressful time in my working life – I lost weight, I had shingles, stomach flus.. yikes!!
I am a really lucky woman who always have the love from my family to pull through the tough period. By starting all over again, I gained my colleagues' trust, friendship and supports like never before. I enjoyed the special bonding with my teammates, my coordinators, my interns, my freelancers and my editors.
I'm happy cos of the tough job I have, I learn to appreciate the people around me even more.
I'm happy cos I have the most understanding and loving husband who woken me up to reality and made me faced and solved my own problems! Thank you for never giving up on me, dear!
I'm happy I have in-laws who always offer extra help and take good care of the kids.
I'm happy and very very proud of my 2 kids!
I'm happy I made more friends than before.
I'm happy I have friends who are always there for me, be it a simple rant, moral boost, or a playdate!
Overall, 2011 has been a challenging yet fruitful year for me. I hope it has been a good and memorable one for you too!
Here's wishing everybody a better and brighter year 2012!