Chloe turns 19-mth-old now today!

How time flies... (I think I have over-used this sentence recently!) I haven't updated her milestones for a few months.
So these are as much as I could think of, at this hour..
She's pacifier FREE now!Haha. This must be the proudest achievement of late. Was motivated to wean her off pacifier when she turned 18mths. But only had the motivation last long weekend. Long weekend is a luxury to Full Time Working Parents really... Along with it, she has forgotten the word
zhu zhu as well. Of course we wouldn't mind that :)
She's sleeping through the night!Ok. This is tricky. She started sleeping through the night last month. But each time I praised her good behaviour - for letting me to have better rest, she would start waking up for milk again. Really need to monitor on this, I guess some of the days when she woke up for milk, she didn't have enough share of dinner the day before.
She's babbling a lot more!Though not clear, we are just happy to see this
improvement. Some words I can recall now for instance ah-pel (apple), sobeli/bobeli (strawberry), eik (egg), mao-mao (cat), woh woh (dog), ... and of course di di (little brother).
She's taking instructions and responding better!Before, she would only do things on her cue. For example, opening the drawer to take hankie(s) prior to milk session. But when I told her that there's one on the sofa/bed already, she ignored and continue to grab a few more hankies -___-
But now, she would listen and put down the hankie when I told her so. Or even better, she would ask me by doing the hand sign, 'where', before opening the drawer. I take that as asking me if there's already hankie on the bed :)
She's showing affection towards the family member!
She loves each and every one of us in the house. And know clearly who is her more favourable one in different time and context. She really warms my heart when she comes and sayang me without being asked, especially when I had my share of
morning sickness in the first trimester. Even recently when I had discomfort in the morning, upon dropping her off to inlaws' place. She was seated quietly next to me, hugged my arm and gently patted my tummy. Aww..
She has good memory!Chloe's
外婆 has went back Indonesia for more than a month. But she can still recall those batik pyjamas or tees which my mum wore during her stay here. She would point if I'm wearing them and keep saying, po po, po po. Even better, the drinking cup which my mum used, she would also point and say, po po, po po. Though cannot call out Ah Zho (great grandma) or Kai Ma (god grandma), Chloe is able to point them out with no mistake from the photos.
She loves our computers more than Barney!She loves having video chat through skype, msn or gmail. She loves clicking on our mouses. And she would trick us away from our desk just to be able to click on our mouse. Like pretending to ask for help with her toys, or pretending to ask us to play with her in the living room. Then she would run as fast as she could to get hold of the mouse. Funny sight!
She's mischievous!Since she learns how to take off her own pants, naturally she would love to play taking off when we weren't aware. Argh... this is quite unglam, especially for a girl!
Last, but not least..
She has 11 teeth now!Going back to bed now.. ciao!