Thursday, February 26, 2009


Saw this lovely rainbow on our way home from work yesterday evening.

ps. Baby E, this is for you! :)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Boy Or Girl?

Plain sleepy at work and decided to try out this interactive test from on the gender verdict of baby no. 2... (some points have been taken out due to uncertainties to the questions)

Verdicts that it's a boy...
  • You are carrying the extra weight out front, so it's a boy.
  • The maternal grandmother has gray hair, so a boy will be born.
  • You didn't have morning sickness early in pregnancy, so it will be a boy.
  • Your chest development has not been very dramatic during pregnancy. You should expect a boy.
  • Since the sum of the mother's age at conception and the number of the month of conception is even, it will be a boy.
  • You have a craving for salty or sour foods, which means that it is a boy.
  • You have no desire for orange juice, so it's a boy.

Verdicts that it's a girl...
  • Your feet are not colder than they were before pregnancy. You are having a girl.
  • Dad-to-be hasn't been gaining weight along with Mom-to-be, so it will be a girl.
  • You refuse to eat the heel of a loaf of bread. You are having a girl.
  • You are not looking particularly good during pregnancy. Therefore, it must be a girl, because girls steal their mother's looks.
  • Your urine is a dull yellow color, so you will have a girl.
  • Your nose hasn't changed during pregnancy, which indicates a girl.
  • You have been craving fruits, so it is a girl.
  • You are not having headaches, so it's a girl.
  • You use the body of the mug, so it's a girl.

Well, truth will only be revealed in another 2 months' time :)

Flash and Fleshy

Oops.. 还好没露点!

ps. Yesterday night was easy on us to put Chloe to bed, and she even slept through the night.
Thanks everyone for the concerns :)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Chloe: 16 months and 1 week

Your toddler is learning which of her tricks get a laugh out of you, and which bring your disapproval. She's studying your reactions, so now's a good time to start teaching right from wrong by cheering on "good" behavior (picking up a toy and putting it in the toy box) and frowning on "bad" (throwing the toy across the room). And don't forget to watch what you say and do around your child: Imitation is one of the ways toddlers learn socially acceptable behavior.

Source: BabyCenter

Another recent traits of her:

Chloe has been refusing to sleep early these days. It takes 2-3 attempts of putting her to bed before she would willing to sleep by herself.
What does she do to get out of the bed?
- Wails, cries, squeezing tears out of her eyes
- Crawl down the bed by herself
- Ask for 'help', by calling out, "爷爷,爷爷,爷爷" while pointing to the door
- When asked, "What do you want?", she continues to point to the door
- Immediately behaves herself and smile when she gets out of the bed

Chloe wakes up in the middle of the night, kicking furiously and making a fuss out of nothing. Not for milk, nor for water, not even for pacifier. Then she would repeat the above acts again to get out of bed!


Chloe, oh dear Chloe, Mama hope it's just a passing phase. Perhaps you're teething. Or maybe you're just being plain naughty. But please be more 乖乖 especially when I have to handle you alone when Papa is overseas.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Weirdest Craving

Carrots! Tomatoes! Fresh leavy greens... they're floating on my mind~~~

I can't help it.. I'm craving so much for green salads!

Cold, crispy, zesty and HEALTHY!!

My 1st time to have such a healthy craving...

Just how to savour my crave at this hour, stuck at ulu working place??

Ahh!!! Help!!

Pardon Me...

Last night I was awaken middle of the night and couldn't be able to get back to sleep. I was thinking about my blog! I miss my blog! I miss blogging!!


Pardon me for not being able to blog lately. My 11th week with baby no. 2 was tough. I have been visiting the toilet real often, almost every night. I knocked out almost immediately whenever I went to bed with Chloe at 9 plus.


Last week was extra drained after taking care of a sick toddler. Thankfully Chloe has recovered since yesterday. She started having fever on Tuesday afternoon, examined as a result of throat inflammation by the GP.

The on-off fever stayed its way til Friday, plus extra cough with phlegm too. Then her cheeky cloth-lifting act shocked me and hubby with the sight of rashes all over her body! We brought her to another GP on Fri evening. This new GP examined her carefully and concluded Chloe had viral infection.

Parents, take note, quoted by the GP: "Normal bacteria won't cause fever this long and would be cured by antibiotics soon enough. Only stubborn virus would keep infants/toddlers to have fever this long. Not to worry though, as long as the child is well-hydrated and still behaving as usual. Most importantly is to keep the temperature down."

Extra note: "Children will somehow be affected by viral infection, sooner or latter. There are hundreds or thousands types of different virus surrounding us. Common case is when children start to attend the playgroup or child care centres"

The rashes must be part of the heat-releasing from her toxic body. And also, accompanied by diarrhea consecutively on Friday and Saturday (3-4 times daily).

Another parental lesson learnt really! We were really relieved to see her appetite coming back, and her hyper-activeness too!


As for my 2nd pregnancy, I'm moving towards to the end of my 12th week now.. I do sense that the morning sickness is starting to wear off, although I still keep my fingers crossed!

Have a great week ahead :)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My 27th

Here's little snippets on my homey 27th birthday celebration!

Hubby adding final touch to the potato salad

The 3-course-meal done, with my limited energy and cooking skills

Satisfied customers

"Hee Ha!! Let me light up the candle for you baby!"

Happy Birthday to Me!

Somehow it looked like it's Chloe's birthday...

Blowing the (one and only) candle~ Now i know why...!

Ok. This looked like Chloe's birthday again :P

"Mama, are you done acting cute? Gimme a slice of cake!!"

Monday, February 16, 2009

16.02.2009 * 16 mths now!

Chloe is 16mths now~~

Not a lot of new words added to her vocabulary list, but she's mimicking every single little things we do now. Oops, we gotta watch what we do in front of her really :P

A recent clip I took of her on the words, some actions and her 坏脾气 ..

Can't view the video? These are the limited words coming out from her mouth:
爸爸,妈妈,爷爷,奶奶,姐姐,neh-nen (牛奶), zhuzhu (Pacifier)

*added: She also know how to say 婆婆.. 婆婆 really must come visit her soon ya ;)

Friday, February 13, 2009

Turning 27!

I'm turning one year older tomorrow. Didn't have much excitements about it last year. But I'm so looking forward about tomorrow..

Not as though I'd be celebrating my birthday and v-day under the moon lights, I just feel so blessed about it. For your info, we should be staying at home making our own dinner and catch a show or two in front of our LCD, with the little help of Cable TV.

So, why so happy you must be thinking?

Looking back at my life all these 26 years... I'm absolutely proud to become who I am today. Through life's ups and downs; hiccups and bumps here and there; I am nothing but a happier soul each day.

Happier life is made possible by all the wonderful people I met throughout. The man of my life, my family and friends. Thanks for showering me with love and care, and not gifts and bits. Thanks for always being there when I needed you the most.

Speaking about gifts, somehow hubby surprised me with a gift last night! Something I want but never thought I would buy. How lovely! The government gave me a big present too by approving my citizenship appplication. Yay!!! And the most valuable gift I could ask for myself, has been granted too! I am expecting my 2nd child now!!! *grin*

So, what could be better than celebrating my birthday and v-day, with my loved ones, at our love nest?

Happy Valentine's Day to all readers!!

Signing off with love :*

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Post Holiday Quick Updates

I'm happy to have finally completed my holiday posts. At least you, my readers, don't have to see me and hubby in orange jackets anymore... :P

A little recap on our life after the holiday:

Chloe's 7th tooth cut thru her upper gum while we were in China.
I'm still waiting for the 8th..
cos it's kinda weird to see her teeth not appearing in pairs.

We did a few visiting to the relatives this Chinese New Year

Good to see her hair can be clipped-up now :)

We went to visit Caitlyn and family too!

Both girls are too active to have a decent shot now!

Then there were a few Mahjong sessions in the house...

A new stroller for Chloe..
Yep, at 15mths++ then she has her brand new stroller.. :P

Lastly, I spent the whole week home alone with Chloe...

Gladly, Chloe's Papa is coming home tonight! Oh, can't wait~~~

Just For Fun: Engrish in Hainan

Seen at Carrefour

Would you like to take a look on our Mnue?

Can you find any western food below this list?

There's wonderful rice and meak though~~

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Our Great Buys in Hainan

1. Huggies diapers, ultra comfort with urine indicator, around SGD0.20/pc

2. Dim Sum at 5-class Chinese restaurant, 4 adults and 1 kid, less than RMB200

3. (Really long) Kiddy ride, 5mins maybe? - RMB 1/ride

4. 6-poses photo stickers with lamination (1 at hb's wallet) - RMB 10

5. Hubby and my matching (imitation) crocs, RMB 20/pair :P

Behind The Scenes

Sharing those OOPS and silly moments we had in Hainan :)

Entertaining Chloe while the rest went to the temple

Mum and babe bonding

Muach Muach

Two highly-wanted terrorists seen in Hainan..

..with their highly-valuable ransom :)

Eat, eat!

Sweet moments

... errr not quite!

Say peace, baby!

Ciluk.. ba!